One combined list of these is accessible on, here: (These are usually set at the state-level and enforced at the district or school-level. Homeschool Organizations. Headspace, a mindfulness and meditation app, is providing a series of their meditations for free in the midst of the current situation. You can look at how the pool wall was originally bolted together for guidance. At this point, state and local boards of education are doing the best they can with the little information they have to plan for something none of us have ever had to deal with before. There are many misconceptions about homeschooling, in general, but especially with working and homeschooling. (Also, in Connecticut, if your children were never enrolled in a public or private school, no notice of any kind needs to be filed. Homeschool Laws By State. Making sure others respect your time is actually easier than it might seem at first. This can be important if you are deciding between temporarily homeschooling your children and opting into distance learning (especially in middle school or high school grades). The answer to this question can provide further guidance for what choice might be best for you and your family, on top of the obvious comfort level with sending them to a physical school building in August or September. K12. (n.d.). (n.d.). First, you can cover the rusted sections with sheet metal tape, replace the liner, refill the pool, and hope for the best. If you want more information prior to pursuing this option, your best bet is likely to reach out to the school or district directly for more information about what the portfolio review might look like, what kind of support and guidance you can expect from them, etc. Trust that everyone is working toward a common goal, for example, is one type of trust. Common Sense Media. The standard subjects tend to include math, language arts, science, history or social studies, art, technology, health, physical education, and music. Age-Appropriate Chores. Retrieved June 24, 2020, from, HSLDA. Its not a good sign if the screwdriver goes all the way through the wall. The panels are constructed of swimming pool wall material. Our girls were homeschooled since Kindergarten, and I chose materials for each individual subject for each girl, and planned the curriculum and lesson plans myself throughout this entire time. Here at Hopkins Pools we come to you. Retrieved June 24, 2020, from Common Sense Media, for example, provides a list of Kid-Safe Browsers and Search Sides, accessible here: Commitment is built on a foundation of trust and constructive conflict. Carter, Christine. Coronavirus (COVID-19). The two most commonly tested subjects in standardized testing tend to be math and language arts, so when we homeschooled, we put the most emphasis on these two subjects, integrating the others as appropriate and as possible. Awake and Mindful has collected five yoga videos for kids that might be one option for a calm activity to start off the day. Here are a few suggestions of where we might start: 1) Develop (and ensure everyone knows and understands) clearly defined goals. Second, Hopkins pools has wall repair kits available for your above ground pool. The first major hurdle for the transition was figuring out what grade they should be in. As you wrap up the day, after allowing your kids to play and relax for the first day, take three deep breaths and smile, knowing that you completed some planning and organizing, and that you are on your way. Common Sense Media provides two different options for digital citizenship education. Your next steps are: 1) Identify the age groups of the children you are educating and whether they need to be planned separately or if the plan and content can be the same. Having a dedicated space will allow you to put everything away in a neat and orderly fashion after every day, so that it is available and easy to access the following day. Marc Zao-Sanders (2018) wrote an informative article on TimeBoxing, accessible here: Organizing your space is another aspect of your current situation that you have total control over. Write a list of the equipment you used to make your fort. Why not act like the dedicated school time is just another meeting? If rust has worn deep into the steel or iron, the wall of an above-ground pool may no longer be sturdy enough to contain the water. Retrieved March 19, 2020, from, The new challenge to keep the kids occupied during conference calls is: FORT MAKING!!! Retrieved April 19, 2020, from, Grown and Flown. Khan Academy has provided help and getting started pages for their content here:, and the lessons themselves are accessible here:, Scholastic has provided schedules and lessons here: at the schools themselves, but something to be aware of when asking them for assistance of any kind. This is a great time to have the conversation with your manager about the priorities of the work currently assigned to you, the hours they expect, or require, you to be available, and where flexibility does (and does not) exist in your schedule, workload and work-related responsibilities. I will gather and post a list of the supplies I always kept on hand soon. These can be accessed here: Even the walls can be repaired when you see cracks, leaks, or rust. Retrieved April 19, 2020 from, Minecraft. As part of a successful, high-performing and well-functioning team, we have to work together as a team toward common goals, just like a sports team or a project team in an organization. Here's an intensive guide to repairing an above-ground pool wall. For the do-it-yourselfer, this may be the most difficult part of the repair. The traditional homeschooling community is extreme in their desire to be unregulated and to have full freedom to educate their children however they wish, with minimal or no governmental intervention or oversight. You can get a complete pool wall in one of two ways: from an old pool that has been demolished or by purchasing from a pool manufacturer. It is also an opportunity for us to find ways for our kids to help around the house and to teach them new life skills that are no longer taught in schools. However, with everything clearly defined and with trust, constructive conflict and commitment, holding each other accountable for their respective parts becomes much easier, and does not need to involve finger pointing or other negative non-constructive behaviors. We ended up placing them in lower grades than the work they were working on as homeschoolers, both because of their ages and because we knew the work would be easy for them, allowing them to focus on the major personal and social transition with less stress. (n.d.). Retrieved April 19, 2020, from The best resource we have found for determining age-appropriateness of movies, games, applications and some websites is Common Sense Media, accessible here: Parents need to be able to bring concerns to educators and administrators when things arent working for them and their children. In my classroom, I start my classes off by having my students volunteer to Tell me something good. The good things could literally be anything, and they have ranged from I had a good breakfast this morning, to My football team won last night. If you want to add variety or switch things up a bit, the Bestow Team created a list of 30 gratitude games and activities for kids, accessible here: There are a few things to consider. Many state and local education-related publications have language that indicates that the notice of intent to homeschool and the portfolio reviews are required. That means you don't have to worry about equipment failures or issues that can grow before you notice them. (Parents, dont be jealousyou can make forts, tooand even take your conference call from inside your fort, if you want to.). State Virtual Schools. (2020). By using HomeAdvisor, you agree to our Terms & Conditions, Copyright 1999 - 2022 HomeAdvisor, Inc. All Rights Reserved. Perhaps the rust is flaking off in small chunks and appears quite severe and deep. (n.d.). Also, be sure that you are fully informed about what activities are offered or not offered for any who opt into remote or distance learning through the school, as this likely differs on a district by district or school by school basis. They are used to having their days and activities planned out for them months in advance. The water exerts more outward pressure at the bottom, which is why a hole lower down is dangerous. Greater Good Magazine. (Dont forget to include what you used to keep your fort together tape, staples, clothes pins, etc. Khan Academy Schedules for School Closures. A minor hole high up on the wall is typically fine. 5) Choose activities to start your day off on a calm and positive note. Some of the common misconceptions include: Lets attempt to address these one by one. People frequently choose to purchase a whole new pool at that stage because it costs only a little more than buying only a wall. One is that everyone (or nearly everyone) you work with is in the same boat right now, so they understand the need to balance, and you shouldnt be shy about sharing what you are trying to accomplish. Organizing any extra items needed (for science experiments, for example) over the weekend for the entire week will also help make your work/homeschool days flow much smoother. Yes, movies sometimes work, but how about something possibly more fun (for you and for them)? In fact, they have created a launch page for the current times, accessible here:, Common Sense Media. The key is not to be happy or unhappy about the approaches, but to be informed. On a sports team, each team member (player, coach, manager) has to understand their role in the teams success to be committed to being the best in that role that they possibly can, thus maximizing their contribution to the team and the teams progress toward that goal. We made a decision years ago to provide some independence and ownership of content decisions to our kids, specifically for movies, games, and apps. For states who are planning in-person school options, many are still providing distance learning as an option, and homeschooling is always an additional option. Always be appreciative.). Lets assume your pool wall has a lot of rust around the bottom and has corroded all the way through. What if schools are opened in a virtual-only format to start the school year and transition to blended or alternating schedule formats, or even full capacity later in the school year? It should be at least four feet long or long enough to conceal all of the flaws in your wall. Starting your day with gratitude and calm activities has been said to start your day off on a positive note. We homeschooled in many different locations, including a multifamily house where we had a full room dedicated to homeschooling, my parents house where we had an area in the basement, our family members kitchen counters, and even an RV, when we traveled around the US. To commit to common goals, everyone on the team has to be aware of the goals, understand why those goals are important, and be aware and accepting of their role in helping the team attain those goals. Help your neighbors make an informed decision. No one knows what the right answer is to any question or problem right now, BUT, we can all try things, fail, get back up, and try something else. You can research options for full-time online schooling, which some states offer for free (Digital Learning Collaborative, 2018). Coronavirus Closed Schools: 27 Activities to Keep Kids Busy During School Closures. Retrieved June 24, 2020, from, Digital Learning Collaborative. (n.d.). If youre dealing with surface rust, use sandpaper to smooth out the rusted areas, then apply Rust-Oleum. The first consideration is the age levels you are teaching. If you plan to homeschool long-term or permanently, focusing on this alignment might not be quite as important or impactful. 100 Things to Teach Your Teen While Youre Stuck at Home. A corroded pool wall might cause problems, including puncturing the pool liner or making the pool dangerous. For later years (grades 3-5 and 6-8) we elected to study math and language arts every day, and study science, history/social studies, art and music one day per week each, leaving the additional day (which happened to be Friday for us) for making up work we didnt complete earlier in the week. An example of this is a new kindergartener starting homeschool in the first year of school eligibility. 3) All members of the team should remember that discomfort leads to growth and work on being ok with being held accountable, with hearing feedback that they dont really want to hear, and with giving honest, constructive feedback to other members of the team when things arent working well. On the inside of the pool, insert the new wall piece against the old wall. I was in the same situation as many of you, having to figure out what to do to keep the toddler busy while working with the preschooler. (The first is required if choosing homeschooling and not purchasing a pre-packaged curriculum or enrolling your children in a full-time online school. Below, I will provide a few options and considerations for finding content for your children that is age-appropriate and safe for them, as well as being safe for you and your computer. Check to see that the nuts and bolts are securely fastened. (n.d.). (n.d.). You will need to decide, based on your family values and rules about electronics and screen time, your work schedule and flexibility, ages of your children, and learning preferences and styles, what modes are best for you for each student and each subject. Free Printable Homeschool Planners. 1) Draw out a rough daily schedule (or weekly, if your daily work schedules vary), allocating specific times for work and for schoolwork. Retrieved March 16, 2020 from,,,, Common Misconceptions about Working and Homeschooling,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, Retrieved March 25, 2020, from, Common Sense Media. (n.d.). Enjoy! Florida is more strict, but does have umbrella schools that allow for smoother navigation of the requirements. Minecraft Official Site. These options are completed at a time and location of your convenience and have assigned teachers for all classes, as well as providing official transcripts and grades, just like on-ground/in-person school options. Scholastic Learn at Home. Uncertainty and lack of direction and why can cause unnecessary stress and a lack of commitment. Before you start, identify an award they will earn if you get a bingo and/or if they black out the entire card by meeting the criteria of each bingo square on the entire bingo card. For those who are not experienced or knowledgeable about publishers used for K-12 education, the National University Library System has a list on their website, accessible here: For example, if you choose to homeschool or opt for distance learning to start with in the fall, will you want to send your children back to school (this year or in the future)? We can come to you. The activities in the basket could be anything from printed mazes, cut and paste activities, manipulative for counting, coloring books, etc. Note that this option and how it is implemented differs greatly per state. Yours will too. With some states canceling in-person schooling for the rest of the academic year and others extending the closures for additional time periods or indefinitely, but messages coming from politicians that we need to re-open the country, we are in a state of wait and see. People dont do this often, not because its too expensive, doesnt look good, or isnt durable, but because there arent many people who know how to fix a rusted above-ground pool wall. Retrieved March 25, 2020, from, Common Sense Media. 3) Identify the delivery mode you want to use for each subject and each child. (n.d.). Some repairs, such as mending a liner or replacing a pump or filter, can be done quickly and easily, while others require more work.

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